Monday, September 8, 2008

Cabeza de Vaca

This illustration that the author drew portraying a struggle of Cabeza de Vaca is thought provoking. Cabeza de Vaca, after he had a shipwreck, had to survive anyway he could. Him and his crew had to improvise and melt metal objects to make nails, use the shirts of the members to use as sails, and kill the horses and eat them. By the authors illustration, you can feel the struggle and hardship that these expedition members had to go through and endure. The author makes you feel a portion of the pain that they felt.

You can relate that to right now. Many people in this world go through struggles and hardships that is hard to endure. Thats where the author may want people to get there emotion from. There are plenty of people who are barely getting by in this world and are working 2 or 3 jobs just to survive and make a living. That is a job that can be stressful and a struggle, but when you want to and have to survive, you are willing to do anything it takes to do it no matter how hard it may be. Thats a link that you can draw from this illustration.

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