Thursday, September 25, 2008

For Discussion and Writing #4

#4) Think about America today. From your personal experience and observations, discuss how it meets the promise of the opening of the Declaration's second paragraph, and how it does not.

From the very first sentence of the second paragraph, the Declaration of Independence is somewhat flawed. Humans today have many rights that other people in the past did not have, most people can agree that all men are not treated equal. Although the topic of wealthy people and poor people are subtle, most people would agree that the difference between wealthy people and poor people makes equality imperfect. One reason why men are not all created equal is because of social classes. When someone is born, they are automatically born into a social class which refers to individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Usually individuals are grouped into classes based on their economic positions and similar political and economic interests within the stratification system. Whether anybody wants to believe it or not, the government treats wealthy people much better than the poor. This kind of discrimination has existed since the beginning of time. Another example to argue with the statement is that people of color are not treated equally from the start. African Americans whether anyone wants to admit it or not, have a strike against them already because of there skin color. An example of this would be if I went to go for a job and had a PHD, and a Caucasion did as well and he went for the same position with just a masters degree, I guarentee you that the Caucasion would get the job before I would just because of my skin color. Meaning, that I would have to work that much harder than a Caucasion would just to get the job over him.

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