Monday, October 27, 2008

Disturbia Movie........More Hollywood Analysis (lol)

There's two sides of him so here it is.
At the beginning of the movie, he's really a sheltered, happy individual, who has a great relationship with his father. They're really close. Then he loses his father in an accident. His whole world changes as it would for anybody who loses a parent. He's not individual in that. And after losing his father it's tough with a single parent, especially when the mother's dealing with the same pain and is not available. So, he's a guy without direction.

How His Character Evolves.
Kale becomes this really dark, closed off human being, who's just dealing with his pain. It's a fresh wound. He just becomes this out of control kid. Then he gets put on house arrest for some of his behavior.

Kales Character.
Kales character is just like the average male teenager. He plays games, he's not to big on cleaning his room, and he also dresses like everyday male. This creates a sense of reality to the movie thus making it much more enjoyable to watch. If actors and directors and all crew members could not create the illusion of making the scenery realistic, then nobody would go and see any movies or tv shows because it would not appeal to us for the simple fact its fake and doesn't appeal to our sense of reality in any shape or form. With that said, the movie created a great visual image of creating the illusion of a regular neighborhood, and using things in the refrigerator. This made the viewer actually feel like he/she was watching a person in a real neighborhood, and in a real developed home.

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