Monday, October 13, 2008

Gettysburg Address

1. Lincoln did not seem to mention the people who created the nation. He also doesn't mention things such as civil war, slavery, or even the constitution.

2. The last sentence is run on sentence. However it was in their to give a reason as to why our nation was created. Lincolns last sentence is very thought provoking when he says, "how we can be a free country when we have slaves?" It makes everyone turn away with something on there mind that could in the future lead to a change.

3. The Declaration of Independence was written to show Britain that the United States was an independent country, and that they were free from the laws of the British. In the Declaration of Independence they talk about how all men are free. In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln is referring to the exact same thing. If all men are created equal then why are there slaves; was what Lincoln was trying to get across to the people. He needed to remind the people of America why this nation had been created, and do so effectively.

4. There have been many poems that are simialar to this one. One famous speech that I remember in particular is the "I Have a Dream" speech. Dr. Martin Luther King informed people what needs to be done, and how to get it done effectively. Him, along with thousands of others, wanted freedom and unification of the people, just like Abe Lincoln.

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