Monday, October 27, 2008

Disturbia (not rihanna) lol

Well, as an aspiring actor, I have to be honest. The character that Shia Labeouf acted out was very well thought out and established. You can tell when an actor has done there homework. He interpreted his character and the aspects of his movements very well. As you may know, the role of an actor is to be able to interpret and display a certain character as if it was there very own. It is not just enough to be able to say lines with emotion, but the movements and the action is CRITICAL! It takes true skill to be able to perform the kind of emotion and action like Shia Labeouf did with his character Kale. Although Shia Labeouf at the time was 21 years old when he filmed this money making movie in 2007, he was able to use his prior knowledge of a teenager and the things that they like to do to further his characters options in what he was able to do with him. These things are essential in building a character like Kale's because you have to actually put yourself in that persons body and mind frame and potray that at its fullest with no mess ups here and there. Especially Shia because he is a true professional and for his sake, he better perform his roles accordingly.

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